
Welcome to Views from the Riviera

January 1, 2024


Welcome to Views from the Riviera. If you're visiting our site, you’re (hopefully) considering working with us. You might be a client who is organizing an event of some sort, maybe a conference or an online meeting, or maybe you're setting up a training program or conducting market research or due diligence on a company or new market. You might also be a linguist who is evaluating us as a potential partner in your career as a language service professional. 

Either way, you’re checking us out - and this is the place to do it. 

On a regular basis, our team publishes memos under the title “Views from the Riviera.” We call it “Views” not only because we think it’s catchy, but also because it accurately reflects what we are trying to accomplish with our writings: we are expressing a point of view. 

The memos that make up “Views” will give you, as the reader, insight into how we operate, how we think, what's important to us, and what we value. They will reflect our team’s perspective on events, on conduct, on communication, on action and execution. 

If you’re evaluating language service providers, how will you determine who you’re going to work with? How will you filter down your list to the one company who you can trust to nail your event? 

It is our intention to use “Views” to help you make that decision.

There are thousands of LSPs out there. Most have a “full service” offering - specializing in translation, localization, interpreting, OPI, VRI, RSI, legal, medical, pharmaceutical, finance, manufacturing, marketing, insurance, tech…  we don’t.

As you’ll see, we specialize in translation for meetings, conferences and events, and in particular, simultaneous interpretation and its necessary technology (hardware and software). We manage the complexity and the delivery of multilingual solutions in person, on-line and in hybrid environments. 

We’re focused. Not only in what we do, but also in how we do it. This, we feel, is what really sets us apart, as is what we are striving to communicate through “Views.” The how. 

The How

The how for us is made up of a few things, each of which we’ll explore in it’s own memo: 

Number one is competence - delivering quality in every interaction.

Number two is fit - working with the right people, the right clients, the right team. Taking jobs we know we’ll nail. Turning down jobs we know aren’t for us. 

Number three is honesty - or, put as a negative, no BS. We’re not here to sell you something you don’t need. See above.

If that’s what you need, keep poking around the site (we’ve got some case studies you might like). Maybe you’re looking for someone in a specific geography (we cover a ton of locations, so drop us a line if you’d like to learn more) or maybe you’re shopping on price (don’t drop us a line, we will never be the cheapest option).

In reading this, you may decide we are the perfect fit for you – however, you may also decide that we are not, which is ok too. In fact, fit is something so important to us, that if we receive a request we don’t believe to be a fit, we’ll happily call on our network of trusted colleagues, built up over 25+ years of experience in the language space, to connect you with someone we know will be a fit for you.  

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